
Jan 24, 2021

I'm alive

"I should make an update about updating" I wisely told myself this week. People love updates about updating, right? Just a reminder that you're alive and totally working on something that you can't show yet. Always the sign of good project management... It's almost like I'm a real content creator! Anyway, as I sat down to do it, I looked at the date of the last post.

Nearly a year since the last update. JFC. Had I been a week later, it would've been the anniversary of the last time I posted something here.

You've already heard plenty of jokes about 2020 having made time meaningless. They're no longer funny (that is if they ever were intended to be funny, rather than a mere coping mechanism for the writer and reader alike to bond over their shared circumstances) but the joke being old does not make the fact that the world was frozen for a year any less true.

Basically, I had no idea it had been nearly a year since the last blog post. I even stopped posting about MP, partly because I was too busy being overwhelmed by last year's events, partly because I realized that I associate this blog more with BCG than with MP so writing something about the latter didn't come to me as naturally as the former.

Enough rambling. I just wanted to say that I'm 3 weeks away from the delivery date of the last bit of MP kickstarter content. After this, I want to do some BCG-related stuff. So stay tuned, actual content will be coming soon.

Gimmick Out.


  1. Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for BCG.

  2. Glad to hear you're still around. I've been thinking about BCG a lot recently (I started reading the Getter Robo manga in anticipation for Arc finally getting an adaptation), so the idea of more stuff for it is really exciting.

  3. Excited that you are back, even if i didn't notice right away.


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