
Jan 31, 2020

Monsterpunk is out.

Here is the updated System Reference Document.

And Here is the DTRPG link to the full version.

I'm not gonna lie, this game is a blast to play and make and I love working on it, but I'm just bursting with inspiration with ideas for BCG and can't wait to get started on writing about giant robots again.

I have a bunch of stretch goals to fill out first though, and by this point I think you know me well enough that I'm the type to take my time and try to get things done right rather than rush to get them over with, so... It'll be a while.

I have never wished to have multiples of me this much, that's for sure.


  1. MORE BCG??? YES!!!

    After much playing of BCG, a lot of us agree that the thing we needed most was computerized book keeping. I would totally pay $10 for an app that simplifies combat when I run my BCG sessions!

    1. What kind of bookkeeping are you looking for? Initiative? Advantage total bonus tracking? Genre points? More detail would be useful. I may or may not be able to present such an app, but I can try making those aspects simpler in the future.


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