
Downloads and Links

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Full Games

You can get digital versions of my games here and physical versions here.

System Reference Documents

The Battle Century G SRD has the whole of the game's rules.
Download PDF from Mediafire.

The Battle Century Z SRD has the universal rules content in the expansion.
Download PDF from Mediafire.

The Battle Century G: Remastered SRD.
Download PDF from Gdrive.

Monsterpunk Core Book SRD with the full game rules plus some optional rules in full color.
Mediafire Link

Monsterpunk Rules Reference.
Mediafire Link

Character, Mecha and Monster Sheets

To use the Online Spreadsheet go to File -> Make a copy and you will have your own sheet to edit as necessary.

For Battle Century G
Printable PDF: Download from Dropbox
ZeronosVega's Fillable PDF Sheets: Google Drive.
ZeronosVega's Stat Calculator: Google Drive.
Ben_R_R's Fillable PDF Sheets: Google Drive.
Ben_R_R's Printable PDF Sheets: Google Drive.
Arkadien's Editable Spreadsheet: Google Drive
LimitedReagent's Editable Document Sheet: Google Drive
Detroct's Automated Calculating Spreadsheet Google Drive
Online Spreadsheet: Link

For Monsterpunk
Editable Online Character Sheet with Rules Reference
Character Sheets Printable PDF
Tech Cards and Feature Sheet Printable PDF


Here is a link to the Battle Century G + Monsterpunk Discord Server.


  1. Both of the Battle Century beta links lead to files that cannot be opened.

  2. They work for me.
    Anon, do you have a PDF reader installed?

  3. They work from my end. The files are in .pdf format, you'll need a pdf reader if you can't open them. You can get Foxit Reader or SumatraPDF for free.

    You could also read them from your browser instead:

  4. Really want to see custom weapon rules before I drop GGG in favor of this, even if I like the simplification of the system allot more.

  5. Just like to point out that the System Reference Document still lists the range of support actions as double the mech's systems, instead of just the systems.

    1. Fixed it along with some other typographical inconsistencies, thanks for the tip.

  6. Why does the adaptive morphology boss upgrade appear twice in this list?
    And why do I sometimes see rectangles where an F and the letter next to it are supposed to be in the flavor text?

    1. That thing with Adaptive Morphology is a mistake. I'll fix it during the week. Thanks.

      Are you viewing the PDF in your browser? If so, try downloading it and using PDF reading software instead. Some browsers display the PDF incorrectly.

    2. You were right about the PDF problem, thanks.
      It seems you haven't fied the Adaptive morphology thing yet.
      As of now, could you tell me which of the two is the correct one?

    3. It is fixed and now version 1.2 is linked above. Both versions are fine, but the second was the stronger and correct one. And it is the only one now.

  7. Quick question about restorations. If you choose to swap your systems when taking frames or transformation, what happens to you number of restorations?

    1. If one of your forms has Systems 4 and another has Systems 8, then one has 4 Restorations and another has 8. What about switching in the middle of battle? You lose the Restorations that you have 'spent' on your own first, then any others that are remaining. For example: If you start with your Systems 4 form and use them up, switching to the other will let you use another 4. Likewise, if you start with your Systems 8 form and use up 4, you will still have the other 4 when you switch to the other form.

  8. Sorry to tell ya, but I MAY have found another mistake, this time of the mathematical kind:
    Page 56, Squad power ratings:
    If the PC rating is the power level times 2, why does a Power Level 0 Pc have a PC rating of 4? Shouldn't it be (0*2)+2=2?
    Also, every number in the PC rating is wrong, having 2 extra units, and so is the grunt's, with one extra unit, the Rival's with the same error that the PCs have, and the boss', with four extra units.

  9. Enea: In a shocking twist, the numbers are not wrong, the description is. The change was made veeeeery late so we completely missed that bit. The table is fine to use as is. Thanks for the tip!

    1. What a shock!
      so it means the PC rating is the power level times 2 plus 4?

    2. Correct. I'll be fixing the text soonish.

  10. I've been reading your blog and I noticed that the Giant feature is not in the System Reference Document.
    Did you scrap it or have you just forgotten to insert it in the Manual?

    1. NVM I read just now it'll be in the BCZ Expansion
      I still have a question though: Where is the Mob action described in the manual? Or is it the paired up attack?

    2. Yeah, giants will be in the expansion. I saw the question and went and immediately went looking into the manual for references to it before reading this other comment. D'oh.

      You're right. Where it mentions "the Mob Action" is meant to say Paired Attack instead. This is one of those things I have no idea how it happened since every single other version of the rules correctly says "They also have the Paired Attack Action.". Another thing for the correction pile, I guess. Thanks!

  11. Found a typing error in the Rivals part:
    "Some of them are allies, very few of them are non-Combatants, and even less of them serve as Allies during Operations"
    Did you meant "enemies" instead of "allies" in the first example?

    1. Not necessarily, it is more of a... Redundancy error. Perhaps it would be clearer if it said "Some of them are friendly, very few of them don't ride mecha, and even less of them are actually around to help the PCs out during a battle." Does that make more sense?

    2. Yeah, I mean redundancy error, english isn't my native language.
      And yes, it definitel makes more sense.
      You should thoroughly re-read the downloadable manual to check for errors and stuff. No offense, I just think it'd be a good idea.

    3. Definitely, I'll have to put some eyes on it during the holidays. I want the next version of the SRD to be the final one.

  12. Anyone else having trouble getting the media fire link to load all of a sudden?

    1. It works for me right now, I recommend downloading rather than trying to view it online.

      I've been having computer issues but I'll add some mirrors soon just to be safe.

  13. Aaaaand I'm hyped as all hell now. Congrats!

  14. I don't quite understand the combinations:
    Must there be exactly 5 members to it or can the number vary?
    What if there's less than 5?
    What if there's more than 5?
    What are the adantages of each type of combination (Including those of the BCZ beta if possible)?
    Could you also, if it's not inconvenient, use some examples to help me understand?

    1. You don't need a specific number of units for any of the combinations, you can have your 5-man supermonsters and you can have combiners made up of 2 units that leave the rest of the party to fight alone.

      Super Combination turns everyone but the designated Lead into a Subpilot, so to maximize their value they should build towards that. A Super Combiner with 3 or more units is like a Boss on the PC side but even stronger than that, because every turn they unleash devastating attacks fueled by a bajillion genre points while having obscene defenses thanks to the maneuvering bonus. Their drawback is that they only have one offensive action per turn (subpilots cannot attack) and that debuffs are crippling.

      Unison Combiners trade off multiple threshold bars and energy pools for the ability to swap genre points, share internal upgrades and get a single super-powered synchro attack every operation. They have more flexibility in build options since each unit keeps its own stats and externals. The resulting combiners are more in the style of Getter or Aquarion than Voltron or Gravion.

      The Invincible Super Combination is an upgraded Super Combination that lets everybody fight decombined for a while and combine together to fully heal mid-Operation to truly turn the tide. It also gives even more stats to what was a kind of absurdly powerful superunit before.

      Universal Component has two primary builds: The first is a new way to play a full support unit and grant anybody else a bunch of stuff each battle while you keep them alive with maneuver and power them up with a ton of genre points. You can also play it as a weapons pack that fights for a while then combines with someone else to buff them up for the rest of the fight (think of Ninja Robots/Tobikage).

      Does this help?

    2. A lot.
      One last quedtion:
      If the combination is formed by less than 5 members, do some of the lead's areas remain unprotected and unbuffed with the other units?
      If the combination is formed by more than 5 units: where do the extra units go? Do they combine with already occupied areas?

    3. You got it right. Less than five members means that some of the areas will be unbuffed for the lead and more than five members means one or more areas are going to be superbuffed.

      You can make each component an individual leg/arm, a second torso component can be a backpack, or even grow a second head. I personally am fond of units that transform themselves into a weapon to be wielded in the arms.

    4. BEST. IDEA. EVER!
      I thought that was an universal component thing, but now that I know how to better use it (thanks to you) I can have my bosses face frickin' Asurabots with Mech-sized blades! Many thanks!

  15. Under Impassable terrain, it is written "If you would ever be forced to move against Impassable Terrain, the movement halts and you take Damage as if you had crashed into another Unit.", but i found nowhere in the manual how to calculate the damage of two crashing Units.

    1. The damage depends on what forced the movement in the first place and it is listed in the entry of the ability itself.

      The Boss Weapon Telekinetic Strike, for example, does Damage equal to the Energy spent on it. Meanwhile, Gravity Manipulators (Support Upgrade from the expansion) does Damage equal to the distance the Unit was moved.

      There are very few effects that force movement and their power level varies so the amount of Damage each of them do is individually different as a way to adjust their balance.

  16. Oh my god you actually put system reference documents for BCZ.
    I'm so happy, you've got no idea, you've made my day muuuuch better.
    I can't possibly thank you enough.
    I only ask you to continue updating this masterful blog with contents, like rulesets for the other mecha in the poll, or just updates, question, show fanmail or the like.
    My deepest thanks and salutations,

    1. Glad you like it! I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing next, but I don't intend to abandon the blog yet.

  17. you still have to correct the power level chart in the srd for bcg.

    1. The chart is fine, remember that what was wrong was the text. The text has been corrected:

      "A PC’s Power Rating is equal to their Power Level times two, plus two. A Grunt is their Power Level plus one, and a Boss is Power Level times four plus four. Rivals have the same Power Rating as PCs. Use the table below for ease of reference."

      (Table omitted for the sake of sanity)

      I have, however, noticed that one of the links was wrong and that was fixed.

    2. OH right, silly me.
      By the way, is the errata needed or are new versions of the full bcg corrected?

    3. wasn't the pc rating times 2 plus 4?

    4. The BCG PDF has errata integrated, yes. The print version is pre-errata.

      There's nothing major in the errata, it all adds up to like half a page of corrections, but the print version should be updated in a few weeks.

      So why'd it take so long to update the print version?

      1) I've got to order a print proof with every change to print files and it takes around a month for the books to get here, also the shipping costs upwards of 50 USD. Basically I've been holding off until making sure that there weren't any more mistakes.

      2) I lost the hard drive with it a while ago, and while I'm pretty sure the backup was up to date, I really should spend a good afternoon making sure everything is right. The SRD was also supposed to be identical to the full PDF and somehow it wasn't.

    5. Darn, how much should I wait to ensure that the print version is up to date (and possibly the SRD too?)

    6. I missed the previous question somehow. My answer: You are absolutely right. HOW DID I MISS THAT TWICE? Oh well, I'll fix that during the weekend. This is embarrassing.

      As for how long you'd have to wait... Maybe 2-3 weeks more? Maybe 4-5? It is hard to say. But I'll update here when it is ready.

  18. The mediafire download of the BCG SRD sends me to the mediafire download of the BCZ SRD

    1. Fixed. This happened three times so far somehow. Thanks for pointing out these things to me.

      By the way, the text before the power ratings table is fixed and I made some minor touchups to both SRDs. I was going to say it later today as part of a larger post but might as well say it here now.

    2. Changing spacing & fonts in some pages and rewording some things in the foreword page.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Page 20 of the full manual: "All
    Characters have a number of Genre Powers equal to their
    Power Level" I think you meant genre points.

    1. This is referring to non-default Powers, Genre Points are in the same paragraph. It could be better written, but it is too late to make changes.

  21. found a big error in bcz: page 17: Pierce the heavens, line 2 "...if the tension bonus OR the might test...". I'm assuming you meant FOR lke the other limit powers, am I right?

    1. Yeppers, you're right that it is meant to say 'for'.

      Fortunately the context (the other powers and the section description) makes it easy to see it is a typo.

      I believe this is the first reported typo in BCZ. Good eye.

    2. If you need a proofreader, I'm your guy.
      For real tho, if you want to make another game I'm available for hire, or if you need it for something free like D:tD I'd be happy (and honored) to help.

      P.S.: Dungeons: the Dragoning 1.7 when?

    3. I'll keep that in mind!

      PS: I don't think LawfulNice has any plans to update DtD.

  22. my business partner was needing a form last year and used a document management site that has a ton of fillable forms . If others need it also , here's a

  23. Will you ever make something akin to a GM screen for BCG/BCZ?

    1. Maybe. What would you like to see in a GM screen?

    2. What's usually in gm screens: short descriptions of the available actions, how to calculate things, important gameplay info and the like. The usual

    3. I ask because the back of the book already has a quick rules reference section. Would the same reference guide in GM screen format be good enough?

  24. yeah, as long as you reference the mecha defense (guard plus five) too, unlike you did in the reference section.

  25. Question about AOE attacks... firstly, do you roll 1 time for all targets, or do you roll for each target individually? ... second, assuming you just roll once, how do you apply advantages and disadvantages if some targets apply a disadvantage and some apply an advantage?

  26. 1-Roll once against all targets at the same time.
    2-Convert the Advantages to a +2 and the Disadvantages to a -2.

  27. found a bcg innocuous typo in page 11: in the second line you called bcg ggg instead.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Will crippling weapons still deal damage if a target has Slippery Chassis? Given that the Slippery Chassis specifies "suppressed", I just wanted to be absolutely certain. Thanks!

    1. Correct, they work as normal except for the suppression damage that happens when the target moves.

    2. Thanks, Gimmick! My group and I have debated this for some time, so I wanted to get some sort of clarification.

  30. I dunno who's in charge of the Calculator for BCG but it's got a bug on "Original score" for Defense where it calculates Energy+5 instead of Defense+5.

    1. Do you mean ZeronosVega's Stat Calculator? It works fine for me. The combined number is Guard + 5 and Original Score is just a 5 because that's where Defense starts.

    2. That's what Defense starts at*

      It's early and words are hard.

    3. Yeah I meant Zeronos. And I know how it works but I'm saying on New Score collumn it calculates off of Guard but on the Original Score column it calculates off of Energy. So if you're using the calculator update your stats by putting your first stats in original score and new stats stats as you get more points, your defense just gets crazy.

    4. Okay I see what you mean, the problem is that H16 (defense original score) uses C18 (energy original score) as a base when it should use C16 (guard original score). I'll pass it to them. Thanks.

  31. Quick few questions, are the Monsterpunk sheets form-fillable? If not, such a thing would be nice as an option for online games. Love all your games btw, wanted to DM something SMT like and shopped around game ideas before seeing the dude who made my favorite pickup and play mecha system had just the fix. Also how would you go about statting up Dante from Devil may cry in the system? I may want to hit my players with him or Demifiend as a one off encounter for like an april fools session.

    1. Shit, I forgot to upload an editable sheet. I'll put one up today later.

      Glad to hear that! Every now and then I wake up and wonder if people actually like these games so the comments help.

      I'm not quite sure how to do Dante as I never actually played DMC (yes, really) but maybe I should given that I've been asked Dante-related questions multiple times in the past few months. As for Demifiend, he's probably a Boss with a Medium Pixie companion. The Boss would probably be an optimized generalist with Cleanse Impurities, Not Outgunned, Yoichi's Shot (Freikugel) and Quicksand (Gaea Rage) plus whatever else sounds like a cool idea to you. Pixie gets Curative Magic (Dia) and Eruption (Megidolaon), plus Hover. This would be a tough fight for 5 PCs of the same level and hellish for less PCs than that, but is it really Demifiend if it's not a nightmare difficulty encounter? Demifiend can become an Elite and Pixie a Grunt or even Minion if you really want to make it easier.

    2. Hell yeah man, thanks. GGG and later BCG/Z helped me move on from the mathematical nightmare of Mekton and asking my players to do long division to calc out weight by part and how that would affect thrust and acceleration trajectories. I love that game but askimg for a sheet without giving some kind of generator is a nightmare. Lancer is comfy but it's more Eva titanfall, and I'm more of a Mazinger Gundam man myself, so for my money it's BCG all the way. Glad to hear more materials are coming down the pipeline. Nothing beats the customization but clean simplicity of it.

      I'd say go for it, but I'm a diehard DMC fanboy so I'm biased. 1 is decent, but more like a proof of concept, 2 is trash you can skip, 3 is my favorite, 4 is good but was rushed and it's apparent, and 5 met all the crazy high expectations I had. You could probably pickup the collection cheap on steam if you felt like it. Or just jump on with 5 and work backwards if you like it.

      From a cursory glance I'd make Dante as a predator, reflecting his melee prowess, half demon nature and durability. Or a chosen. Hybrid works best I think, as long as he's beefy, a little mobile and maybe has a few options for range.

      That sounds great for Demifiend though, thanks I'll keep it saved. I'm using default setting for the game I'm planning to ease into it, but I could always drop some megaten in. Once I'm acclimated enough I'm making an SMT set game whole hog.

      As a player, in case I ever get the opportunity(sometimes it just be like that.) How would you recommend making Akira Fudou with all the serial numbers filed off, predator?

    3. Hmm... Well Devilman basically has three core traits (and a bunch of minor ones) you're looking to replicate. 1) Extreme Strength/Toughness 2) Flight 3) Shoots fire and lightning like it's Great Mazinger. I'd say it depends on which of those traits you prioritize.

      You can probably approximate him with a Predator or Blood Knight to cover the physical part, taking a flying monster to be pretty meh at number 2 and real bad at number 3. Go with a Raptor to be super good at 2 and 3 but all you have for melee are a poached Basic and Boosted Kick (which, admittedly, is really strong). A Dragoon is solid at flying, okay at melee combat and also okay at ranged combat.

      It gets a lot easier with the expansion as the classes there can just cherrypick abilities to cover everything.

  32. Thanks for the input! I'm excited to get into the nitty gritty and get my campaign off the ground. Looking forward to seeing what you put out next. Hope everything is going well for you man.

  33. Alright my guy, I got a question for you. I see you're a Gundam fan, but have you seen any of the Build series yet? Trying to see if I can make something like the star winning gundam or any of the other SD transforming mechs

    1. fumina's gundam is conceptually very similar to the g-falcon or g-defenser but it's a mobile suit instead of a mobile armor

      the upgrade that represents those is universal component, which lets your robot combine with any other allied robot in the middle of battle to power it up and makes you a subpilot


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