
Oct 24, 2021

BCG Remastered SRD Update (Final?)

Come one, come all, to the hopefully final update to the BCG R SRD. It's taken a while and I'm sure I'll have to make a few correction for typos and the like in the future but now, as of this moment, the rules of Battle Century G Remastered are set in stone.

The full version of the game is going to have about twice as many pages. I'm still working on the rules modules and the setting, but the bulk of the written work is done and most of what's left to add in is art. Speaking of art... The SRD has some art now! It's at the end with the example PCs and NPCs for the introductory mission.

Dropbox Link.

Anyway, here's the rules changelog from v1.5 to v1.6: 

  • Added the "Critical Failure, Failing Forward and Exceptional Success" Rules Module to Page 13 as a sidebar.
  • Simplified the rules for Cores. Now they lack a Speed score and are explicitly a fifth level of Threshold that protects the pilot from harm until it is destroyed, at which point they take 2x Damage from Mecha as normal. 
  • New General Trait - Skill Synergy: Gain a bonus to a trained Skill roll once per Episode equal to 1 per 10 CP you've spent on Skills.
  • Readded NPC-exclusive abilities that were somehow still missing from the SRD
  • A million non-rules small things like adjusted flavor text, examples of character/mecha gen, more advice, etc. 

If you want a complete changelog of what changed between v1.2 (aka Errata Edition) of the game and the v1.6, here's the earlier posts for reference: First Post and Second Post.

I guesstimate that the Battle Century G Remastered manual will be done around January. I should know better by now than to give dates that assume nothing will go catastrophically wrong in the near future, but, dangit, I want to believe.

See y'all soon with good news, hopefully.


  1. Looks awesome! I look forward to reading the new stuff. Props to the artist too, looks really cool.


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