
Oct 19, 2019

Monsterpunk v1 Release

Oh right I had a blog.

I was scrambling to keep up with the regular updates on Kickstarter and I uh... Kind of forgot about this for a while.

But heyyy I made a game! Here's the System Reference Document!

This is just v1, I'm going to be updating this with errata before the end of the year. During that update I'll also upgrade it to color. Also I'm looking into making a phone-optimized version but I need to do a little bit of research for that and I'm not sure the way the book is laid out is going to make that, well, not be a pain in the ass. So no promises there, but it's something I'm interested in.

So that's that.

Gimmick Out.


  1. What do I do if I want to play Dante???

  2. Depends on what Dante is to you.

    Like anybody can pick up mobility powers, limit break and be a cocky pizza-eating jerk.

    1. There's several close-to-medium range classes, but maybe the predator has the right mix of endurance, mobility, aoes, forced movement and doing lots of damage you might be looking for?

    2. I think I just got too wrapped up in thematics both of being "featuring Dante from DMC" and the in built aesthetic of certain class options like the Raptor. So you know fair enough. Thanks for the response.

    3. I getcha. FWIW this started a discussion on the merits of straight up having off-brand Dante as an example playable option and I'm kinda interested in the idea (though we already do have a monster slayer in the Chosen). The pipeline can't handle more stuff right now, but it's something to think about.

    4. To be honest I assumed Purebreed Monster from the last blog post was going to be the Dante/Devilman/Digital Devil Saga option, but sometimes you just wanna get CUHRAZZEEE out the gate.


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