
Oct 22, 2022

BCGR v1.84 Update

Here it is, at last. The (hopefully) final update to BCGR. SRD Link here.

Probably the most important change as far as the SRD is concerned is the addition of a Table of Contents in case you want to print it out. The full version has more art, more builds, etc. You know, the usual. If you have been fine with just the SRD for all this time, this one doesn't do anything out of the ordinary.

The print-on-demand version is coming. If all goes well, it'll be available by the beginning of next month. Likely later though, while everything looks right from my end, the printer is very fickle.

Now, while the BCGR core book itself is complete, I have things in mind I want to add to the game. The attentive ones among you might remember that I once said BCGR would have premade content on the level of Monsterpunk, which it currently doesn't. Specifically, a campaign scenario. That's the first thing I will be working on.

Gimmick Out.

Jul 17, 2022

BCGR v1.82 Update

Made another update. You can find the SRD in the usual page. This time I've changed the file naming scheme because using SRD version numbering instead of rules version numbering had confused some people. (you'll find it as "BCG Remastered SRD v1.82" instead of "BCG Remastered SRD v1.32")

The update itself consists of corrections and clarifications. Ordinarily I would not have bothered with an update just for that but the update to the full BCG is a bit juicier and I didn't want the SRD to be one version behind.

That's all for now!

Gimmick Out.

Jul 3, 2022

Please take my survey!

There'll be a system update later this month, but for now here's a survey about Battle Century G. I'm trying to figure out where to go next so I want to know what the more engaged audience thinks of the system. It'd be a real big help if you take it.

See you later this month.

Gimmick Out.

Apr 24, 2022

BCGR v1.8.1 Update

This month's update has more of the usual corrections, a couple pieces of new art, and a teeny little bit of extra content. My three highlights of choice would be:

  • Sibling Model should be a lot easier to parse now.
  • Check out pages 50 and 51 for a demonstration of the Portal power in action.
  • Added five more entries to the NPC Contact table of the Lifepath.

Naturally, the SRD has also been updated.

Gimmick Out.

Mar 26, 2022

Battle Century G Remastered Update and... OH GOD IS THAT A PATREON PAGE

I've just put out an update to BCG R and its SRD. This will be the first of (hopefully) many more. What's the purpose of these updates, you ask? Glad you asked! I'll be making updates for the following two reasons:

  • To fix as many writing mistakes and clarify as many instances of confusing text as possible. In the past two months I've edited over 40 paragraphs to correct typos, fix awkwardly written sentences and make various rules bits clearer to understand or more consistent with how the rest of the book is written. 
  • To add as much art as possible. There's still quite a few blank spaces left in the book, and I would like to fill as many of those as reasonable. This will probably take a while, because art costs money and earning money takes time, but I'll continue adding individual pieces here and there while possible.
Lastly, after some discussion regarding one paragraph in the Troubleshooting section regarding Threshold Levels and Genre Points, I decided to make a correction that counts as a rules change. This was the specific paragraph that started it all:

Using Genre Points while taking Damage
You can use the Genre Point you get from losing your last Level of Threshold to activate a Power that has an effect in response to taking said Damage, but not to prevent said Damage from happening. This means you can use Live Another Day or I Cannot be Defeated (but not My Defense is Impregnable or Can’t Let you Do That) even if you are out of Genre Points and an Enemy blows past your last two Levels all at once.

This paragraph implies that all PCs get a bonus 4th Genre Point from losing the 4th Threshold Level. IIRC (and it was several years ago so I'm only like 90% sure), at the time it was written, I decided that was fine and not worth rewriting the damage and genre points sections, because there's not much you can do with a GP after you've already been Defeated, anyway. What's the harm in letting PCs have a free Live Another Day, right?

Yeah, in hindsight that was just lazy of me. My bad.

Later, the expansion added Parting Shot and many more Reaction speed Powers, but I'd already forgotten about this little exploit. As of the Remaster, PCs are balanced around earning three Genre Points per Operation, not four. Additionally, everyone having either a free Live Another Day or Parting Shot cheapens their value and/or makes them considerably more annoying.

Late is better than never, I suppose, so I'm rectifying this error by rewriting that paragraph and making it explicit in the combat rules that losing the fourth Level of Threshold does not give a Genre Point. While this is a clarification, it is one that actually changes the rules, so I am updating the rules version to 1.8 with it.

Lastly, I want to announce that I am launching a Patreon. This Patreon is strictly for donations without any tiered rewards, so you're not going to miss out on anything by not subscribing to it. The purpose of this Patreon is for adding extra art to the book. Ideally, this art run would have been funded by sales, but, well, there weren't enough sales for that, so I'm resorting to this.

The timeline for this side-project is around 6 months, which would let me add everything I want to the Print-on-Demand version of BCGR by the end of the year, when I hope to have that available to the public. If I get the funding, awesome. If I don't, then having less art than ideal is not a terrible loss.

I think that covers about everything!

Gimmick Out.

Feb 13, 2022

Post-release update.

Short one this month. Two things to announce:

1) I ended up compiling all the previous changelogs together with the new ones for a full list of the changess through all 5 major updates. Its a gdoc because it is 12 pages long.

2) I'm compiling a list of errors and confusing wordings. The errata update will be, most likely, sometime next month.

That's all. Cheers.

Gimmick Out.

Jan 31, 2022

Battle Century G Remastered Release

It is done.

At this point I think I've said enough things about the Remaster, I should simply let you see it for yourselves.

You can get the SRD here.

You can get the full version from DTRPG if you want a discount on a physical version when that gets made.

You can also get the full version from if you are a digital gamer and want me to get a bigger cut (the widget to the right uses this store).

I wonder how many misspellings, grammatical errors and confusingly worded sentences will have been reported by next month? Find out next month, same gimmick-time, same gimmick-channel.

Gimmick Out. 

Jan 9, 2022

Battle Century G Remastered Preview III

With the Remaster due to come out during the 2nd half of this month, I should make one last preview post during the 1st half. 

First of all, here's the rules Changelog for v1.7:

  • Bombardment, Finger Net, Lockdown Missile and Radiation Bomb reduced Blast radius from (2) to (1).
  • Shocking Swordwhip inflicts an additional Disadvantage on passing the Might Test.
  • Charge Cannon benefits from an additional Advantage to the Might Test when Boosted.
You can read about the reasoning behind these changes in last month's update. Nothing else has changed for the SRD, except for some more typo fixes and the like. The biggest other change is that I renamed a couple of weapons referenced in flavor text/premade characters because they had identical names, despite being clearly different, but that's it.

So let's talk about BCG Remastered as a whole. How big is it and what can you find in it? Here's a summary of how it differs from the last SRD.
  • An additional 180 pages of content. It was going to stay at 300 pages total but I keep adding extra pages of content every few days so it may end up somewhere around 310 over these last few weeks, we'll see.
  • The aforementioned rules 1.7 update (this will be in the 1.7 SRD as well but I figure I should mention it anyways). 
  • Rewritten and rebalanced versions of the rules modules found in BCZ plus some entirely new ones.
  • Updated versions of the premade NPCs and operations from BCZ.
  • Over 70 pages of setting material, including a series of Lifepath Character and Mecha creation tables and a myriad premade NPCs and Mecha with art and lore.
Tragically, I did not get to add a premade campaign to the book. I simply did not have the time and budget for it. If the winds of fortune are more favorable than last year's, I could throw that in as a content update of sorts adding it to the book itself, or making it as a separate PDF, but it would be irresponsible to make that promise at the moment.

As usual, the physical version won't be available from the beginning. First we'll give a few months to fix any editorial errors like bad grammar, unclear wording and typos. After that a fixed version of the book will go up.

Fortunately, DTRPG has added a system that allows sending specially-made discounts to buyers of specific titles so I can give everyone with the PDF a discount for the same value on the physical version when it does come out, so they don't have to buy the PDF twice.

I think that covers everything I had to report. I'll leave you with a few pieces of art as our last previews. The SRD already has a bunch of regular player and enemy mecha units, so I'm showing some player biomecha, higher tier enemy units and kaiju.

This is Polyspina, one of the playable biomecha and the most basic The Beast build example. In addition to being a melee monster, it can shoot the spines on its body as projectiles.

This is the biomecha Megacephalus. Originally a generalist amphibian that developed strong psychic powers and became a full Support type, using telepathy, illusionism and precognition to assist allies. 

Back to traditional mecha, now on the antagonist side. The Expurgator is, rather obviously, a long-range beam specialist. It also has Unstable Reactor, because the antagonist faction are irresponsible jerks.

This is the Gilgangar, the ace custom machine of Alpha Max, enemy ace pilot. It's actually a Boss-tier unit with a bunch of Grunt-tier NPCs acting as the Funnels.

Moving on to the kaiju-type antagonists, this is the Maneater Mindworm. The size of a dog, these things attack in swarms and psychically assault humans into paralysis, then eat them alive.

This is the Whiptail Pyrofly. These insects use pyrokinesis to set cities on fire and shoot down flying vehicles. If the Mindworms target humans, Pyroflies target their infrastructure.

Finally, here's the Bloom Hydra, one of the kaiju Boss monsters. This plant-like thing defends the territory of its kin, uprooting itself and use its tentacles to move to patrol or pursue intruders.

That's all for now. Next post will be the release itself of both the Remastered SRD and the full BCG Remastered book, sometime this month. 

Gimmick Out.