
Sep 26, 2021

BCG Remastered Progress Report

Hello friends, this is your regularly scheduled infrequent and sporadic update about the progress of BCGR. 

First, a quick check on the SRD: I did another editing pass, added more play advice including suggested houserule sidebars and character creation examples. I'm basically waiting for the art of the intro oneshot characters and mecha to be finished and then it's done.

As for the corebook, I've finished updating all the various Rules Modules (some of these are less 'updated' and more 'rewritten from zero') along with the GM chapter. What I've got left to do are the fluff chapter and the premade enemies. That and the art, which is hopefully going to flow faster now that we've got the process and general aesthetic down.

That's all for now. Next post should be the final SRD update.